AGBA Conference

21th Annual World Congress

Academy for Global Business Advancement's
21th Face-to-Face (in Person) World Congress
Conference Theme:
"Business and Entrepreneurship Development in a
Globalized and Digitalized Era”

July 2---4, 2025
The Grand Four Wings Convention Hotel Bangkok
(a Luxury 5-Star Hotel)
Conference Chair Conference Co-Chair Conference Co-Chair Conference Co-Chair Distinguished Keynote Speaker
Kyle S. Wells
Former Dean
College of Business
Utah Tech University
St. George, State of Utah,
Brian R. Chabowski
Former Chair of Management, Marketing and International Business
The University of Tulsa
Tulsa City
State of Oklahoma
Gary L. Frankwick
Professor of Marketing (Emeritus)
University of Texas at El Paso,
State of Texas,
Mohammad Falahat Nejadmahani
Professor and Director
Strategic Research Institute
Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation
Dheeraj P. Sharma
Indian Institute of Management Rohtak
State of Haryana
Patron Patron Patron Patron Patron
Shakil Ahmad Romshoo
VIce Chancellor
Islamic University of Science and Technology
Kashmir Valley,
Daing Nasir Ibrahim
Rector and President
Oxus University
Vincent Chang
Former Vice Chancellor
BRAC University,
Abdul Razak Bin Ibrahim
Former Vice Chancellor
Universiti Melaka
Hamdan Sulaiman Al-Fazari
Vice Chancellor
Sohar University
Patron Patron Patron Patron Patron
Dhruba Kumar Gautam
Vice Chancellor
Mid-West University
Fevzi Okumus
Chair Professor of Hospitality Management
University of Central Florida
Orlando City
State of Florida
Bahaudin G. Mujtaba
Professor of Human Resource Management
Nova Southeastern University
Fort Lauderdale-Davie City
State of Florida
Nur Naha Binti Abu Mansor
Faculty of Business
Sohar University
Huseyn Ismayilov
School of Business
ADA University
Distinguished Speaker # 1 Distinguished Speaker # 2 Distinguished Speaker # 3 Distinguished Speaker # 4 Distinguished Speaker # 5
Bhumika Gupta
Professor of Human Resource Management
Institut Mines Telecom Business School
Sahil Raj
Associate Professor of Management Information Systems
Punjabi University
Patiala City
State of Punjab
Ha Minh Tri
School of Business
International University,
Vietnam National University
Ho Chi Minh City
Selim Ahmed
Faculty of Business Studies
World University of Bangladesh
Uttara, Dhaka City
Seung Hun Han
Graduate School of Global Digital Innovation
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Daedeok Innopolis,
Distinguished Speaker # 6 Distinguished Speaker # 7 Distinguished Speaker # 8 Distinguished Speaker # 9 Distinguished Speaker # 10
Nejat Capar
Bang College of Business
KIMEP University
Said Elbanna
Professor of Strategic Management
Qatar University
Jasmeet Kaur Lamba
Professor and Associate Dean
Jindal School of International Affairs
O. P. Jindal Global University
Sonipat City
State of Haryana
Hermann Lassleben
Professor of Human Resource Management
Reutlingen University
Gerald W. Fry
Distinguished International Professor
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis City
State of Minnesota
Distinguished Speaker # 11 Distinguished Speaker # 12 Distinguished Speaker # 13 Distinguished Speaker # 14 Distinguished Speaker # 15
Popy Rufaidah
Professor of Marketing
Padjadjaran University
Bandung City, West Java
Koustab Ghosh Dean of Academics
Indian Institute of Management Rohtak
Rohtak City
State of Haryana
Said Elfakhani
Professor and Director
Executive MBA
American Univesity of Beirut
Sabri Elkrghli
Faculty of Management
Libyan International University
Rizal Yaya
Indonesian Association of the Faculties of Economics and Business -
Muhammadiyah and Aisyiah Universities

AGBA's Profile

 AGBA's Brief:
Academy for Global Business Advancement (AGBA)
was established in the American State of Texas as a "Not-for-Profit Charitable American NGO" in 2000. It is proud to boast today a membership of over 1000 members based in more than 50 countries that include scholars from reputed academic institutions, corporate leaders, governmental officials, global entrepreneurs, global traders, global exporters and importers, professionals, and consultants based in western and emerging countries.

AGBA, as a global organization, aims to help academics and scholars at business schools across emerging countries to connect with the western (developed) world for mutual benefit. Such collaboration would accelerate the pace of globalization by furnishing ample opportunities to scholars in emerging countries to get recognition, disseminate new knowledge and assert themselves on the global stage.

 AGBA's Vision:
To be globally recognized as a leading "Not-for-Profit Charitable American NGO" dedicated to serve the academic, professional, government, corporate and entrepreneurial sectors worldwide.

AGBA's Mission:
Building on the dynamics of the ongoing globalization process, AGBA is committed to provide a global platform aimed at assisting academics, scholars, professionals, officials, entrepreneurs and consultants of emerging countries to assert themselves on the global stage for recognition, networking and dissemination of knowledge.

AGBA's Focus:
The main focus of AGBA is to provide an ongoing open global forum to discuss and analyze business and entrepreneurship development from different perspectives and viewpoints in order to improve understanding of underlying forces that (1) impact global developments and (2) shape the destiny of emerging countries such as UAE Turkey, India, China, Thailand, Kenya, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Bahrain, etc. in the contemporary globalized economy. AGBA bridges geographic, cultural, disciplinary, and professional gaps by integrating different business disciplines while actively enhancing practitioner - academician interactions on a regional and global basis.

AGBA is sponsored by numerous universities, organizations, and agencies across US, Canada, UK, Europe, South America, Asia, and Africa.

AGBA's Core Business:

AGBA's Global Leaders

AGBA's Global Board of Trustees
AGBA's Global Board of Trustees
AGBA's Global Board of Trustees
AGBA's Global Board of Trustees
AGBA's Global Board of Trustees
Kyle S. Wells
Former Dean
College of Business
Utah Tech University
St. George, Stae of Utah,
Vincent Chang
Former Vice-Chancellor
BRAC University
Dana-Nicoleta Lascu
Professor of Marketing
School of Business
University of Richmond
Richmond City
State of Virginia,
Robert Grosse
Professor of International Business
Thunderbird School of Global Management
Arizona State University
Glendale City
State of Arizona
Abdul Razak Bin Ibrahim
Former Vice Chancellor
University Melaka
AGBA's Global Board of Trustees
AGBA's Global Board of Trustees
AGBA's Global Board of Trustees
AGBA's Global Board of Trustees
AGBA's Global Board of Trustees
Hamdan Sulaiman Al-Fazari
Vice Chancellor
Sohar University
Tran Tien Khoa
Former President
International University
Vietnam National University
Ho Chi Minh City
Gary L. Frankwick
Professor of Marketing (Emeritus)
University of Texas
El Paso City, State of Texas,
Hermann Lassleben
Professor of Human Resource Management
Reutlingen University
Dheeraj P. Sharma
Indian Institute of Management Rohtak
Rohtak City,
State of Haryana
First Vice President
Second Vice President
Third Vice President
Managing Director
Vice President for Global Conferences
Christopher J. Marquette Assistant Professor
Department of Finance
Tabor School of Business
Millikin University
Decatur City, State of Illinois,
Popy Rufiadah
Professor of Marketing
Padjadjaran University
Bandung City, West Java
Hassan Yazdifar
Professor of Accounting and Management
University of Derby
Derby City, England
United Kingdom
Wolfgang Hinck
Former Provost
American University of Iraq at Sulaimani
Kurdistan Region
Viput Ongsakul
Former Dean
NIDA's School of Business
National Institute of Development Administration
Vice President for Global Publications
Director for Global IT Operations
Vice President for Global Social Media
Vice President for Global Entrepreneurship
Sahil Raj
Associate Professor of Management Information System
School of Management Studies
Punjabi University
Patiala City, State of Punjab
Tanveer Kajla
Assistant Professor
Department of Management Studies
NALSAR University of Law
State of Telangana
Lavanya Rastogi
Founder and CEO of Soul Spring and Co-Founder of Ayam
Houston, State of Texas
Christopher J. Marquette
Assistant Professor
Department of Finance
Tabor School of Business
Millikin University
Decatur City, State of Illinois
AGBA's Auditor AGBA's
Vice President for Global Field
JGBA Managing Editor JIBED Managing Editor JIBED Associate Editor
Afsal U. Ahmed
MS in Forensic Accounting Candidate
State University of New York
State of New York
Iqbal U. Ahmed
Ph.D., Candidate
Department of Marketing
Pamplin College of Business
Virginia Tech
State Virginia
Christopher J. Marquette
Managing Editor
Journal for Global Business Advancement
Inderscience Publisher
Omer F. Genc
Managing Editor
Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development
Inderscience Publisher
Osama Sam Al-Kwifi
Associate Editor
Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development
Inderscience Publisher

Conference Sponsors

Twin Towers
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia's Capital)

AGBA’s Switzerland Based and Scopus Indexed 1st Journal

Journal for Global Business Advancement

ISSN (Online): 1746-9678; ISSN Print: 1746-966X and E-ISSN:1746-9678
Published by
Inderscience Enterprises Ltd
World Trade Center Building
29 Route De Pre-Bois, Case Postale 856,
Geneva (Ch-1215)

Indexed in Scopus as Q-4
Cite Score: 1.5
SJR Score: 0.211
SNIP Score: 0.227

Scimago Journal & Country Rank

JGBA's H-Index: 15

It is indexed/listed in:

AGBA’s Switzerland Based and Scopus Indexed 2nd Journal

Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development

ISSN (Online): 1747-6763, ISSN Print: 1549-9324, and E-ISSN: 1747-6763
Published by
Inderscience Enterprises Ltd
World Trade Center Building
29 Route De Pre-Bois, Case Postale 856,
Geneva (Ch-1215)

Indexed in Scopus as Q-2

JIBED's CiteScore: 1.9
JIBED's SJR Score: 0.167
JIBED's SNIP Score: 0.346 Clarivate Analytics
JCI Score: 0.15
CiteScore: 3.1
SJR Score: 0.383
SNIP Score: 0.602

Indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index
Web of Science Core Collection:

Scimago Journal & Country Rank

JIBED's H-Index: 11

It is indexed/listed in:


Conference Logistics

Conference Organizer:
• Youngstown State University, Youngstown City, State of Ohio, USA.

Conference Sponsor:
• Indian Institute of Management Rohtak, Rohtak City, State of Haryana, India.

Conference Venue and Conference Hotel:
• Forthcoming

Malaysian Tourist Visa:
All AGBA conference delegates (without any exception) are requested to kindly obtain Malaysian Tourist Visa to attend our conference. Kindly DO NOT Apply for Conference Visa. Kindly do not ask AGBA or our host Malaysian university to issue any visa letter for you. Malaysia is a tourist friendly country and grants tourist visas to citizens of all countries with a smiling face. Kindly make sure that your passport has at least one-year validity. Kindly cruise the following website to apply for Malaysian tourist visa online:,

Payment of Registration Fees:
• All delegates are requested to kindly pay their conference registration fees of USD $500 (i) on Site (ii) in American Dollars and (iii) in CASH only.
• Sorry, we DO NOT have arrangements for Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Cheques (Checks), and Drafts etc.

Tioman Island

Manuscript Preparation

We welcome manuscripts that address the conference theme as well as all functional areas of Business Administration. Some examples are given below:

• Agricultural Economics
• Emerging Markets
• Economic Development
• Global Business Environment
• Offshoring and Outsourcing
• Entrepreneurship
• Family Business
• Business Law
• Marketing
• Real-estate Management
• Actuarial Science
• Business Education
• Health Care Management
• Managerial Communication Organizational Behavior
• Impact of COVID—19 on Businesses
• Commerce
• Economics
• Accounting
• Auditing
• Taxation
• Energy Economics

• Health-Care Management
• Hospital Management
• Patient Care Management
• Hospitality Management
• Tourism Management
• Recreation, Parks and Leisure
• Global Economic Meltdown
• Artificial Intelligence
• Computer Information System
• Blockchain and Crypto Currency
• Impact of Technologies
• E-Commerce and E-Business
• Supply Chain Management
• Finance and Banking
• Knowledge Management
• Behavioral Finance
• Sports Business
• Sports Management

• Public Sector Management
• Public Administration
• Management Science
• Human Resource Management
• Operations Management
• Islamic Business Management
• Cross-Cultural Management
• Environmental Management
• Islamic Banking & Finance
• Business Ethics
• Innovation Management
• Green Business Sustainability
• Corporate Social Responsibility
• Social Entrepreneurship

Conference Director/Program Chair:

Dr. Christopher J. Marquette
(Ph.D., Texas A&M, USA)

Assistant Professor of Finance
Department of Finance
Tabor School of Business
Millikin University
Decatur, State of Illinois,

Conference Co-Director/Program Co-Chair

Dr. Omer F. Genc
(Ph.D., Temple, USA)

Associate Professor of International Business
Department of Management and Marketing
Williamson College of Business Administration
Youngstown State University
Youngstown, State of Ohio,

A Sample Abstract for Your Benchmarking

Structural Exclusiveness and Poverty:
An e-Entrepreneurship Based Approach to Rural Development Across China

Xiaohong He
Professor of International Business
Department of International Business
School of Business
Quinnipiac University
Hamden, Connecticut


The growing level of inequality in the 21st century is a social, political and economic issue concerned by conscious citizens, scholars and policy makers around the world. Some on the right argue that inequality motivates progress and punishes laziness. In reality, under harsh conditions without any social safety net, the poor often have to work extremely hard just to survive. There is no real moral argument for concentration of outsize wealth vs. widespread poverty in today’s world. To this end, this research study asks the question - "How disruptive forces brought by technology and innovation can be better understood and employed from the perspectives of individuals and communities in rural and less developed regions?" To answer this question, this paper develops a conceptual framework that connects enablers and structural obstacles facing rural e-entrepreneurs; and then applies the framework to explore existing circumstances and to offer explanations leading toward theory building. In this context, this paper uses a case study approach that involving “what”, “why” and “how” questions to connect ideas of global importance from local Chinese practice.

Keywords: Structural Exclusiveness, Poverty, e-Entrepreneurship, Rural Development, and China.


Journal Publication Opportunities

Best papers presented at our conference will be eligible to be published in the Special Issues of the following Western Journals after substantial revisions.

George Town

Mentoring Doctoral Students

AGBA’s 2025 Doctoral Consortium will focus on mentoring doctoral students hailing from emerging countries. The faculty panel of the 2025 Doctoral Student Consortium will consist of accomplished and globally acclaimed scholars; who have a distinguished scholarly publication record, have served as editors of leading global journals, and/or have experience in supervising doctoral students across western countries such as US, UK, EU, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

AGBA’s 2025 Doctoral Consortium is a workshop for Ph.D. students from all over the world to further develop their research ideas, to learn about the challenges of conducting business research, building a successful academic career in their fields, and to broaden their professional networks on the global stage.  

Consistent with the developmental mission of AGBA, the consortium is open for Ph.D. students from all over the world, who would be attending its global conference in UAE. One-to-one mentoring to Ph.D., students would be provided on the third day of the conference on July 4, 2025.

Ideally, doctoral students should have a strong research idea or be close to completing a doctoral dissertation proposal, and be far enough away from finishing their dissertation so that they could make good use of feedback received from their doctoral mentors during the consortium.

Kindly contact AGBA’s President and CEO to schedule your mentoring session at least one month before our conference:

Prof. Dr. Zafar U. Ahmed
BBA (New York), MBA (Texas),
Ph.D., (Utah), D. Litt., (England, Candidate)
Professor of International Business
Founder, President and CEO::
Academy for Global Business Advancement
Founder and Editor-in-Chief:
Journal for Global Business Advancement
Founder and Editor-in-Chief
Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development
Washington D.C.,
District of Columbia


Gunung Mulu National Park

Distinguished Global Doctoral Students in Attendance

• Yeran Baishan, KIMEP University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

• Truong Xuan Quang, International University, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
• Nguyen Thi Minh Phuong, International University, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
• Do Thanh Tung, International University, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
• Tran Thi Tuong Vi, International University, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
• Nguyen Thuy Quynh Anh, International University, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
• Pham Thi Phuong Thao, International University, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
• Mai Tan Binh, International University, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
• Ma Van Khanh, International University, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
• Vương Thế Luân, International University, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
• Nguyen Quoc Loc, International University, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
• Tran Hoang Cam Tu, International University, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
• Pham Thai Ngoc, International University, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

• Ayushi Srivastava, Indian Institute of Management Rohtak, India.
• Simran Singh, Indian Institute of Management Rohtak, India.
• Hrithvik Bhardwaj, Indian Institute of Management Rohtak, India.
• Lubna Rashid Malik, Indian Institute of Management Rohtak, India.
• Tanya Singh, Indian Institute of Management Rohtak, India.
• Eram Fatima Siddiqui, Indian Institute of Management Rohtak, India.
• Hitesh Sharma, Indian Institute of Management Rohtak, India.
• Shambhavi Mishra, Indian Institute of Management Rohtak, India.
• Ayushi Srivastava, Indian Institute of Management Rohtak, India.
• Suhail Ahmed Bhat, Islamic University of Science and Technology, Kashmir Valley, India.


Why Malaysia???

Our Host Institution:

Malaysia is a country in Southeast Asia. The federal constitutional monarchy consists of 13 states and three federal territories, separated by the South China Sea into two regions: Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo's East Malaysia. Peninsular Malaysia shares a land and maritime border with Thailand and maritime borders with Singapore, Vietnam, and Indonesia. East Malaysia shares land and maritime borders with Brunei and Indonesia, as well as a maritime border with the Philippines and Vietnam. Kuala Lumpur is the national capital, the country's largest city, and the seat of the legislative branch of the federal government. Putrajaya is the administrative center, which represents the seat of both the executive branch (the Cabinet, federal ministries, and federal agencies) and the judicial branch of the federal government. With a population of over 34 million, the country is the world's 43rd-most populous country.

After independence, the gross domestic product (GDP) grew at an average rate of 6.5% per year for almost 50 years. The country's economy has traditionally been driven by its natural resources but is expanding into commerce, tourism, and medical tourism. The country has a newly industrialized market economy, and it ranks very high in the Human Development Index. The country is a founding member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the East Asia Summit (EAS), and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and a member of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), the Commonwealth, and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). Malaysia used as a label for the Malay Archipelago on a 1914 map from a United States atlas

Malaysia is a relatively open state-oriented and newly industrialized market economy. It has the world's 36th-largest economy by nominal GDP and the 31st-largest by PPP. In 2017, the large service sector contributed to 53.6% of total GDP, the industrial sector 37.6%, and the small agricultural sector roughly 8.8%. Malaysia has a low official unemployment rate of 3.9%. Its foreign exchange reserves are the world's 24th-largest.[195] It has a labour force of about 15 million, which is the world's 34th-largest.[196] Malaysia's large automotive industry ranks as the world's 22nd-largest by production.

Malaysia is the world's 23rd-largest exporter and 25th-largest importer. However, economic inequalities exist between different ethnic groups. The Chinese make up about one-quarter of the population, but account for 70 per cent of the country's market capitalization. Chinese businesses in Malaysia are part of the larger bamboo network, a network of overseas Chinese businesses in the Southeast Asian market sharing common family and cultural ties.

International trade, facilitated by the shipping route in adjacent Strait of Malacca, and manufacturing are the key sectors. Malaysia is an exporter of natural and agricultural resources, and petroleum is a major export. Malaysia has once been the largest producer of tin rubber and palm oil in the world. Manufacturing has a large influence in the country's economy, although Malaysia's economic structure has been moving away from it Malaysia remains one of the world's largest producers of palm oil.

Tourism is the third-largest contributor to Malaysia's GDP, after the manufacturing and commodities sectors. In 2019, the sector contributed about 15.9 per cent to the total GDP. According to the World Tourism Organization, Malaysia was the fourteenth-most visited country in the world, and the fourth-most visited country in Asia in 2019, with over 26.1 million visits. Malaysia was ranked 38th in the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report 2019. Its international tourism receipts in 2019 amounted to $19.8 billion.

The country has developed into a centre of Islamic banking, and has the highest numbers of female workers in that industry. Knowledge-based services are also expanding. In 2020, Malaysia exported high-tech products worth $92.1 billion, the second-highest in ASEAN, after Singapore. Malaysia was ranked 36th in the Global Innovation Index in 2023, and 32nd in the Global Competitiveness Report in 2022.

AGBA's 2025 Global Business Forum

A strategic alliance between AGBA (USA), Millikin University (USA), Indian Institute of Management Rohtak (India), and the EPIC Technology Group (Pvt) Ltd. (Sri Lanka) invites participation from global entrepreneurs, investors, importers, exporters, traders, professionals, consultants, heads of major government-owned enterprises, owners of private business firms, and government officials from across the world to attend “AGBA’s 2025 Global Business Forum” for global business interactions, networking and negotiations.

The third day (July 4, 2025) of the conference will be exclusively devoted to AGBA’s 2025 Global Business Forum to be organized in collaboration with the local Malaysian business community. Speakers will include government officials, global entrepreneurs, global corporate leaders, and global consultants covering topics such as digitalization of global business operations; innovation and global entrepreneurship; global manufacturing to promote trade, sharing success stories, opportunities, and challenges in global business; “Make in Malaysia” initiative of the Malaysian Government, and Investment opportunities of “Malaysian Inbound and Outbound FDI”.

Distinguished Global Business Speakers

Global Corporate Leader Global Consultant Global Consultant Global Lawyer Global Corporate Leader
Khalil Yassine
Head of Arabia
Balarama Krishna Varanasi
Globalization Consultant
State of Telangana
Rock-Antoine Mehanna
Chief Strategy Officer and Partner
Sheyaaka Consultancy
Roger Tanios
General Counsel
Industrial Development and Consulting Services
Fareed Al-Yagout
President and CEO
National Power Company
(Al-Zamil Group)

Batu Ferringhi

Click here to download Conference Program