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NORTHBROOK, Ill.— Dylan Buckner’s bedroom looks like a typical teenager’s room, filled with sports trophies and plastered with posters of football stars. 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Over the course of a few hours, Chris Buckner talked about how his son showed no visible signs of depression and how lockdown measures and school closures need to be reexamined when it comes to the health of teens. ]*)$/;if("string"==typeof t&&t.length){var o=["/","\\","? 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A health care executive told The Epoch Times in August last year that the mental health crisis is “now an epidemic within a pandemic.”. … So get help.”. Other stories like Dylan’s have emerged in recent months. Even before high school, he took a special interest in some kids at summer camp who had special needs. “I think if the stricter lockdown portions of it would have been shorter … and if kids had been allowed to play football like they were in so many other states, I think that Dylan would still be here,” he said. TO GET TO KNOW MY READERS AND SHARE INSIGHTS AND IDEAS. 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